
CALL FOR PAPERS: International Students' Conference ICON Mainz in November 2020 (DEADLINE EXTENDED: May 31)

Call for Papers - EXTENDED

3rd International Students’ Conference at

Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

Date of the Conference: November 20 & 21, 2020


NEW Deadline:  May 31, 2020

Corona UPDATE: The conference will take place, either under respective precautions or as video conference. Apply and stay tuned!

Click here to read more or visit


Studienabschluss-Stipendien für ausländische Studierende der JGU / Scholarships to finalize a degree for foreign students at the JGU

Ausschreibung von Studienabschluss-Stipendien

Ausländische Studierende der JGU, welche ihre Hochschulzugangsberechtigung im Ausland erworben haben (Bildungsausländer) und kurz vor dem Abschluss ihres Studiums stehen, können sich ab sofort für ein Studienabschluss-Stipendium aus Mitteln der Landesstipendienstiftung des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz bewerben.

Bewerbungsschluss: 03. April 2020

Mehr Informationen in diesem PDF.


Invitation for Applications for Scholarships to Finalize a Degree

Foreign students at the JGU who have obtained their certificate for admission to higher education not in Germany and who are about to finish their studies are invited to apply for scholarships for degree-finalization financed by the Scholarship Foundation of the Rhineland-Palatinate.

Application Deadline: April 3rd, 2020

Please find more information is this PDF.

Interesting courses for international students in summer term 2020

Interdisciplinary lecture series: CRiSS - Contemporary Research in Social Sciences + Tutorial on Science Communication.
(CANCELLED in summer term 2020)

Due to the Corona crisis the interdisciplinary lecture series CRiSS and the accompanying tutorial will not be available this summer semester in 2020. We try to incorporate "Gaming, Lies & Civil Wars" - as the title of this year's programme would have been - into a future semester.

For more details and registration, click here.


Courses by Israel professor Yossi David

Additionally, students can attend courses by Isreal professor Yossi David.  The courses will be held in English and are open to all students of JGU.


Special tutorial for students from abroad
(CANCELLED in summer term 2020.)
Take part in this tutorial to get to know the formal requirements concerning literature research, oral presentations and term papers which are assumed to be known in many courses offered at the JGU Mainz.

More details...


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2nd International Students’ Conference: THE APPEAL OF MANIPULATION (Nov. 8-9, 2019)

Dear students,

On November 8th and 9th, the 2nd International Students’ Conference will take place here at JGU Mainz.

Student speakers from Germany and abroad will address the topic of manipulation. In addition to 18 interesting lectures, a concert lecture and a World-Café were organized.

You're all welcome to join the discussions.

There are no participation fees.

If you plan to participate, please send an email to:

Complete conference program on our homepage:

We are looking forward to your participation.

Your ICON Team

Learn German with a language tandem partner (apply in October)

Take the opportunity to team up with a German native speaker who wants to learn your language.

The International Preparatory and Language Center offers matching and guiding language tandems. Application for the programme in winter term 2019 is open until the end of October. You need your JGU account to apply (you'll register for an account at the Info Days).

More info:

Invitation to join Model United Nations (MUN) group planned at JGU

CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons


*** english version below ***


Liebe Kommilitoninnen und Kommilitonen,

wir möchten mit euch eine Model United Nation (MUN)-Gruppe an der JGU gründen.

Model United Nations ist eine Simulation der UNO in Form eines ihrer Organe, wie z.B. der Sicherheitsrat (UNSC) oder die Generalversammlung (UNGA) durch Studierende, welche die Rolle der Delegierten der verschiedenen Länder übernehmen und deren Interessen vertreten. Dabei werden auf Englisch formale Debatten gehalten, wie auch informelle Verhandlungen durchgeführt. Wir möchten einen wöchentlichen MUN-Debattierclub ins Leben rufen, wie auch an internationalen MUN-Konferenzen teilnehmen.

Was ihr braucht sind Spaß an Diskussionen und Interesse an internationaler Politik, sowie ausreichende Sprachkenntnisse für englischsprachige Debatten.

Bei Interesse schreibt bitte eine Mail an Quentin (, damit ihr zu Beginn des nächsten Semesters über den Termin für ein erstes Treffen informiert werden könnt.


Viele Grüße und schöne Semesterferien

Helene Haas und Quentin Zimdars



Dear fellow students,


we endeavour to form a Model United Nations (MUN) group at this university.

Model United Nations is a format of simulation of the United Nations, in which students take on the roll of delegates of the various nation in one of the UN bodies. These include for example the Security Council (UNSC) and the General Assembly (UNGA). Proceedings, which include formal debate and informal negotiation, will be in English language. We wish to form a weekly MUN-debating club as we wish to participate in international MUN-conferences.

All that is required of you is fun in debating, interest in international politics and sufficient language proficiency for debating in English.


If you are interested, please contact Quentin (, so you can be informed about our first meeting at the beginning of the next term.


Sincere regards

Helene Haas and Quentin Zimdars


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Deutschsprachige Sommerschule an der SGH Warsaw School of Economics (1.-13. September 2019)

Wie jedes Jahr bietet die SGH Warsaw School of Economics eine deutschsprachige deutsch-polnische Sommerschule zu den deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen an, die vom DAAD über das Go East Programm ( ) unterstützt wird. Sie steht dieses Jahr unter dem Titel:

„Eine schwierige Partnerschaft? Die Beziehungen zwischen Polen und Deutschland in Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft“ 

und findet vom 1.  bis zum 13. September 2019 in Warschau statt.


Bewerben können sich sowohl Studierende mit
deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit (auch dann, wenn sie nicht in
Deutschland studieren) als auch nichtdeutsche Studierende,
wenn sie an einer deutschen Hochschule eingeschrieben sind.


Bewerbungsfrist: 31. Mai 2019


Mehr Informationen im Flyer

und auf der Webseite:

Get international and interdisciplinary this Summer Semester 2019!

CRiSS - Contemporary Research in Social Sciences

Just like in the last two summer semesters, the interdisciplinary lecture series CRiSS and the accompanying tutorial on science communication will be available this summer semester in 2019.


For more details and registration, click here.


Courses by Israel professor Yossi David

Additionally, students can attend courses by Isreal professor Yossi David this semester. The courses will be held in English and are open to all students of JGU.

In summer semester 2019:

Media, Social Constructions, and Israel’s Political System (lecture)

New Media and Political Change in Israel (seminar)


Special tutorial for students from abroad

Take part in this tutorial to get to know the formal requirements concerning literature research, oral presentations and term papers which are assumed to be known in many courses offered at the JGU Mainz.

More details...


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